Hamilton City Hall

  1. We call on the City of Hamilton to defund the Hamilton police.

  2. We call on the City of Hamilton to invest the tax dollars that would have otherwise gone to the police towards initiatives fighting against food insecurity, racism and towards more affordable housing & other social services.

  3. We call on the City of Hamilton to ensure that HPS are not ticketing houseless people for existing in public.

Hamilton Police Services

  1. We call on the HPS to release accounting on taxes used to surveil & police Black, Indigenous, & racialized communities.

  2. We demand that the HPS halt purchases of weapons, high tech surveillance equipment, & cease surveilling communities.

  3. We demand HPS cease ticketing and surveilling of homeless & disabled people.

  4. We demand that the HPS stop targeting activists & communities pushing back against white supremacists.


Province of Ontario

  1. We demand that the provincial police act be rewritten to give municipalities full control over police boards.

  2. We demand that the province of Ontario work with grassroots groups to divest from policing & invest in community initiatives with the goal of moving completely toward
    transformative justice practices.

  3. The SIU needs to be composed completely of Black, racialized and Indigenous peoples with no current or former ties to the policing sector.

  4. SIU must begin collecting & publicaly releasing race-based statistics on all
    fatalistic encounters between police & civilians. No more inquiries— direct action needs to be taken

  5. In light of COVID 19, we demand that all prisoners being held & who are awaiting


  1. We demand that the HWDSB remove police SRO’s from schools & fund public review of police violence that occured in schools.

  2. We demand that the school board refrain from calling the cops on kids.

  3. We demand that HWDSB collect & release data that documents the disciplinary action against students by race and gender.

  4. We demand that HWDSB implement a community run alternative to disciplinary action based on the principles of restorative justice.


McMaster University

  1. We call on McMaster University (President & Board of Govenors) to immediately terminate Glenn DeCaire’s contract.

  2. We demand that DeCaire, alongside special constables on campus cease policing students. Black students in Ontario have experienced violence at the hands of campus police.

  3. Join with other universities (like University of Minnesota) in cutting ties with the police department.